Venu Naturopathy


Saleem Payenda

Saleem Payenda

About Saleem Payenda

The author is a Research Fellow of International Relations at University of Mysore, India

More From Saleem Payenda

Can the Afghan government channelise numerous people's movements into a new anti-Taliban front?

If the Afghan government can accurately manage the spontaneous movements of the people and prevent them from becoming mere tools for the warlords, not only can it create a new front against the Taliban, but also mobilize public opinion to a large extent, as it is already doing to some extent, writes Saleem Payenda for South Asia Monitor…

Religious extremism taking hold in Afghanistan as Taliban influence spreads

Salafist movements, such as Hizb ut-Tahrir and the Jamiat-E Eslah, while opposing Taliban methods, are generally the same, and these movements, consciously or unconsciously, pave the way for Taliban recruitment in Afghanistan, Writes Saleem Payenda for South Asia Monitor